When trying to get lean is it ok to just count calories or would you increase your chances of burning fat if you counted macros instead? Let's discus it in today's video.

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5 Tips To Get Lean and Stay Lean Without Counting Calories

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#macros #calories #fatloss #getlean #bodybuilding

    6 replies to "Should You Count Calories Or Macros"

    • Lose Fat Get Jacked

      Are you tracking your calories or macros? Or do you prefer not to track you intake? For more tips download your FREE guide Lose Fat Get Jacked 👉 https://www.losefatgetjacked.com/freeguide

    • you train to look good we train to kick your ASS

      If you’re looking to start tracking your diet and macros, there are a few things you need to know. First, you’ll need to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body burns just to maintain basic functions like breathing and keeping your heart beating. You can use an online BMR calculator to estimate this number. Once you have your BMR, you can start tracking the calories and macros in the foods you eat by using online tools or apps, or by writing them down in a journal. It’s important to be consistent with your tracking so that you can accurately gauge how different foods affect your calorie and macro intake.

      what do you think ABOUT THAT?

      • Lose Fat Get Jacked

        Yep. That’s what I covered in the video, so good stuff 👊 I prefer going with TDEE over BMR as it takes your lifestyle into consideration

      • Nick N

        BMR is pretty much meaningless because the amount of exercise you do will impact that number by hundreds of calories. It’s TDEE as he mentioned in the video 🙂

    • Nick N

      Great video as usual! I love the way you laid it out – having specific targets in mind, but from there just having a “heightened sense of awareness” based on those targets and not literally counting every gram every day. Fantastic! Since you asked, what I do is have two sets of targets depending on if I am in a calorie deficit vs a calorie surplus or maintenance. In either case I always keep my fat around 25% of total calories to keep hormones at optimal levels, but when I am in a deficit I shoot for at least 1.1 grams of protein per pound, and when I’m in a surplus or maintenance I shoot for at least .9 grams per pound. The difference for me is about 35 grams of protein. In both cases the rest of my calories come from carbs. The 35 grams of protein difference may not seem like much, but I would HATE to suffer through a cut and lose muscle! Also, I have been doing a lot of reading about how at “our” age (I’m 58) our ability to effectively process protein decreases, meaning we may need more protein now to get the same impact less protein gave us when we were younger. So, I am pretty focused on my protein intake.

    • David B

      I’ve tracked everything for over a year so I’m now transitioning to tracking just protein to make sure I hit my target and then I let the carbs and fats fall into place where I know roughly I’m hitting my caloric range. I also just follow some general concepts of more of my carbs before and after my workouts and less carbs on rest days. Great video.

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