6 Worst Mistakes Men Over 60 Make When Working Out…

A big question I get asked a lot is, what are some of the worst mistakes men over 60 make when they are trying to get in shape and build muscle? It is a good question, and that is why I am going to talk about the 6 worst mistakes men over 60 make when working out. I hope these help you to be aware, so that you can avoid them when you are going to workout. Let’s get started with these 6 worst mistakes men over 60 make when working out.

Mistake #1: YOU DON’T GET A HEALTH ASSESSMENT. I encourage you to go get checked by a doctor, to make sure you don’t have any current health issues or any lingering injuries. It is good to know where you are currently at physically, especially when it comes to your testosterone levels. You will have a challenging time building muscle, if you have low testosterone.

Mistake #2: NOT FOCUSING ON DIET AND NUTRITION. Great bodies really are made in the kitchen, so you have to understand what your body needs from a nutritional standpoint. If you are eating processed foods, and lots of sugar, you are not going to build muscle and lose fat like you want to. Make sure to get enough lean protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats.

Mistake #3: YOU DON’T TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK AND CORE. Be honest about the condition of your back and core. It is better to work your way into the workouts, than jumping in right away and potentially injuring your back right from the beginning.

Mistake #4: GOOD/POOR POSTURE. Whether you are at work or working out, and just in everyday life, you want to make sure to have good posture. Make sure you stand up straight as you possibly can, and engage your core when working out. If you work in an office or sit in a chair for a long time, make sure to keep your back straight when sitting down.

Mistake #5: NOT BEING CONSISTENT. One of the worst things you can do is having long gaps between workouts. As well as, having a lack of intensity in your workouts as well. If you don’t pay attention, days will go by without a workout, and you are going to lose progress. You need to be disciplined because inconsistency is going to be your worst enemy.

Mistake #6: POOR FORM. When doing isolation exercises, it is important to utilize good form to make sure that you are only working the muscle group that you are training. Good form will be more optimal for building muscle, and will help prevent injury.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial with the 6 worst mistakes men over 60 make when working out. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build muscle and get in shape at home or in the gym.

    45 replies to "6 WORST Mistakes Men Over 60 Make When Working Out (AVOID THESE!)"

    • Live Anabolic

      There are 6 MAJOR mistakes men over 60 make when working out…

      And in today’s brand new video…

      Live Anabolic trainer, John Shumate (who’s almost 63 years old)…

      Will take you through these common traps to avoid!


        I’m a retired United States Army Master Fitness Trainer. At 57 years old I’ve been working out since 1979 and I have learned that it started while making mistakes but over time you get it all down while fitting it in with work and family life to include meals. And if you’re wife is into working out life is just as good.

      • M Slice07

        @hellorodney I carried 100 pounds in each hand up 3 flights of stairs at age 50……up to that point I thought I was indestructible, …..a noise bleed and a baby hernia,……I continued to lift heavy for another 10 plus years ,…..needless to say the hernia got bigger, ….a 520 bench press finished me off for good ,….pec tear , and a major hernia,

      • scott Popowski

        The biggest mistake is using cables and dumbbells and not sticking to barbell movements like squats and deadlifts at any age !

      • ML Greer

        How much water per day should a 170 man have? And is that amount the same for training day’s and non training days?

      • Tony P


    • Bach's Car

      Good advice, John! I think poor form on some of my lifts with heavier weights was the primary reason for some lower back pain I experienced in March. I had to take off a couple of weeks to heal, but since I’ve been concentrating on better form and techniques on my lifts, the pain has been kept to a minimum or has been non-existent, for the most part. I’ve been trying to be mindful of better posture too.

      • Steve Gray

        I too have an ego problem with weights. Need to concentrate on form over lbs
        Nothing worse than screwing up your back.

    • paulla smith

      Excellent info. Thank you. I’m the kitchen queen. I feed the hubby. Getting away from sugar was not that tuff. When we were in our 20’s we could eat what we wanted — not any more. Doc gave us both the “go ahead” about 6 months ago. It’s a life journey and we’re glad to be on board. New sub!

    • Tony Anderton

      As a 62-year-old myself, and now with 40 years of gym experience, I can verify that these 6 top tips are absolutely key. EXCELLENT ADVICE. Also, become your own expert. The worst mistakes you see in the gym are bad form/lifting technique and posture. But the most important thing for life-long training and general health is posture. Thank you for this excellent video.

      • Live Anabolic

        I appreciate that, Tony!

      • Paul Bradford

        I once say Hulk Hogan doing barbell curls at my local World gym. In perfect form and super slow – ten seconds up, ten seconds down. No wonder he was so damn big.

      • Tony Anderton

        @Paul Bradford That’s a great story, Paul. Thanks for sharing that.

      • Wayne Key

        Tony, you comment is 100% on in my experience. You have to become your own expert. Add a bit of knowledge every day. AND, for the most part, only take advice from those who have and do walk the walk.

      • Tony Anderton

        @Wayne Key Exactly, Wayne. Thank you for your comments. Yes, that’s a great way of putting it: add a bit of knowledge every day. I can tell you will be training hard and profitably for many many years to come. Cheers.

    • David King

      At 60 now, lifted for 20 years. Excellent advice. One thing to add at our age is scheduling a Deload week every month or so to reduce fatigue so that you can continue to make gains. As you become more experienced, you can organize your workouts with overload of weight, sets, or reps. Then sprinkle in some BFR training with low weights and high reps. Even try some intermittent fasting to lose bodyfat. Lots to learn in this wonderful hobby!

      • cluelocker

        @David King I’m 66 and haven’t been a serious weight lifter, just calisthenics.. I have some dumb bells I’ve toyed with. I know healing takes me way longer today than when I was 40. Be careful is my code I want to preserve full function as long as I can.

      • David King

        @cluelocker Yes, you are correct most certainly. My recovery is definitely harder now. I just maintain good form and workout just 3 times per week. Sleep is a must. Lots of variables for sure. And I do take TRT along with HCG, so that helps immensely.

      • Hamish Shennan

        Hi… I’m 58 ..
        Have been struggling to accept that I blow out every 4 to 6 weeks then can’t train for about a week so JIm gonna try a deloading strategy when I get to the blow out stage.

        I have practiced progressively loading for years and only recently have I struggled to increase reps and or weight.

        Garys comment also applies to me I beat myself up when I rest more than two. Consective days. I train 2 on 2 off

      • Hamish Shennan

        THANKS for the food advice

      • Hamish Shennan

        Good advice

    • joevil

      Good info for the 60+ age group. I just turned 61 a week ago and get compliments all the time about how in shape I am. This has been happening for the last +-10 years, to my great and pleasant surprise. I’ve been following a simple dictate for many years (decades) that regular, moderate exercise is where it is at. Four to five times per week I do a couple of pushups, deep knee bends, 1 min plank, upper arms etc and later in the day followed up with a 30 min walk like a soldier. After that a little hamstring stretching . That is it! On top of that drink water. Try to stay inside your BMI. I follow a high protein/fat, low carbonate diet. It works! Nothing too extreme but it takes a little self discipline. I’ve lost my hair but the ladies notice the flat (ish) stomach and good posture.. Good enough for me.

      • DJ

        Fair play nice feeling when women look at you, keeps me motivated 😅😅

    • Grant Bradley

      Push ups and pull ups were my go to exercise during COVID. However I missed the deadlift platform, the squat rack and the flat bench. It’s great to be back at the gym. . I’m 64 and still hitting the gym 4 days a week.

    • 67marlins

      One thing I’ve learned getting older with bodybuilding-type training, and I think Joe Weider himself or one of the bodybuilders he trained said this, in so many words: if time and circumstances tempt you to miss a workout, remember that a light workout is better than none at all.
      That regularity, that discipline pays off and keeps your joints healthy.

      • Johnny Salter

        Arnold said that also. He said if was down for some reason or another he’d light dumbells and calisthenics.

      • Nick Ashton

        sometimes I do what I call a maintenance work out just to keep the benefits from all the previous ones

      • Elaine Kerslake

        Even if you don’t lift on the day, do stretching.

      • Atila The son of Danubius

        One of the things I do when I get out of my routine, is to do a Tune Up workout in which I emphasize repetitions (definition and endurance) rather than increases in weight (muscle mass). In this way I can max out my workout and minimize injuries.

      • Dallas Filby

        I’m 60 and have been going to the gym since i was 17 and i agree with this completely. I’ve had days where i feel lethargic or just not well, and rather than push myself and risk injury or not go to the gym at all, i go and just do something… even if i’m bench pressing a bar with no weights or just stretching etc.

    • Niltomega

      Glad you mentioned getting testosterone levels checked. If you are low, as you said, you have a challenge ahead of you. Its a 2 fold problem. Not only will you have a very difficult time even being motivated to go to the gym, you typically won’t be getting the results you seek on top of that. We are all a bit different in what we respond to best. You have to figure out what works for you. I know some guys at my age (55) can still squat the really heavy weights. I do better with longer sets of less weight. Also comparing yourself to younger men is not a great idea…lol. I’m perfectly happy with being in much better shape than other men of my age, and these days that is not very difficult to accomplish ! I’ve never been a large guy. When I graduated high school I was 5’8 and 115 pounds.
      even now at 55 I’m just 160. I never had great genetics for bodybuilding but being 160 with a flat stomach at my age isn’t a bad look!

    • glenn keppel

      Take up on water rowing; you’ll get 3 of the six – good posture, core strength and consistency. Two other major benefits are cardio and teamwork (strongly linked to consistency – you just simply have to turn up when you’re in a crew). I started at 54 and love it.

    • David Gutierrez

      This is excellent advice for men over 60. I am 61 years old with 37 years of weight training experience. My personal training schedule and occupation is dependent on being fit. Proper weight training and intermittent fasting have helped me maintain a strong and lean body and core.
      Keep crushing it my Brothers over 60!👍🇺🇸

    • Jeff L

      I am 59, and workout regularly, and have been a UPS driver for 32 years. The thing that seems to hinder me the most are tendons and ligaments. I go much lighter now, and more reps. Anytime I go up in weight, I usually suffer some kind of tendon injury. My muscles tell me I can lift heavier, but the rest of me says no. 😲

      • Dave Carlson

        I drove 35 years and I’m with you! Very frustrating

    • What Was I Thinking??

      Great video, very helpful and encouraging! I was surprised, frankly, that you made no mention of what I, and many others consider to be the #1 worst mistake, and that is NOT stretching before working out (and if you have time, after too). This is the BEST, and easiest way to avoid the injuries you speak about. And not stretching really leads the door wide open for back, knee, joint injuries to happen. Otherwise, thank you! Excellent!

      • Sean Williams

        Stretching BEFORE working out has been proven a mistake by study after study after study for at least 10-15 years now. Don’t stretch cold muscles. Warm cold muscles up with either lighter versions of the exercises you’ll be doing or with dynamic movements.

      • Chris Page

        @Sean Williams Well, respectfully, I disagree. “Don’t stretch cold muscles.” Well, ALL muscles are “cold” at first. You either warm them up by light stretching or yoga, or light exercises; either way, you have to warm them up. And saying “…study after study for at least 10-15 years now…” is hardly better than fake news. If there are indeed studies, please reference them.

    • James R Baylis

      Thanks for the great advice, this also confirms what I understand about Posture & workout form, I posture walk 9k at a speed of 5.8-6.2 kph, burning 1,722 Cal’s every day, it’s very intense staying focused on every part of my body, the discovery of how my body is performing, when done right there is NO Pain, if I feel Pain I refocus re-a-line myself pains gone, but thanks for being in the right place at the right time.

    • n mazhar

      I am 61 and started last year very slowly and gradually building up the strength and losing fat off my belly and legs. Lots of discipline and perseverance needed. All worth it. Worst was giving up sugar. How hard that was! But once you are used to going without it you feel the energy and the results will come soon.
      I would like to add a major mistake that cost me weeks of recovery. That’s going overboard.
      Give enough rest to the muscle group that has been trained. Give a day off after an extensive workout to legs if you have trained them and do the shoulders or arms instead and vice versa.
      Not keeping hydrated is another mistake I made and suffered as a result. Also, get good quality sleep which is really important for your muscle recovery and growth after a workout. Lastly, Intermittent fasting really works for me.

    • 747jpdrummer

      I am 63. I recently made a conscious decision to re-gain my health. Before I did saw this video, I was surprised to see that I have done or still doing your 6 tips. You confirmed all that my Dr. and Physical Therapist are doing for me. Thanks so much. If I were to add one more tip, it is Cardios. I added Pickleball. my health regiment and it is paying off.

    • Frances Nance

      Great video! 65 yr old female and getting more disciplined about walking 5 miles a day, pilates every other day, chinups and dead hang, and dumbell workouts. Also counting protein. With good posture. As we age, we MUST maintain muscle for health.

    • Robari

      Excellent advice Sir. I just turned 63, about 40 pounds overweight. I do road biking 2-3 times/week for 1.5 hours each time but want to start resistance training. This video is extremely educational to folks like me. Thank you much!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • Jimmy Ross

      I’ll be 80 next month and in my view this is an outstanding tutorial !!! Keep in shape and realize as you age youre need for more recovery time is a must. I’m up to 7 or more days recovery time between working each muscle group, and 3 or 4 progressive weight increases before reaching 7-9 reps. i.e. it just takes me longer to achieve what I used to, but but I remain extremely grateful for out living my warranty and still being able to workout. Please never forget the importance of cardio.

    • Shift Report for nurses

      So grateful I found this vid and channel. I was always a very athletic, strong and in great shape man. My best training years were right through my 40’s. I started slacking off badly in my late 50’s and now at 66 I’ve become way out of shape due to sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Basically laziness. I’m going to start following this Channel and do whatever I need to do to get back to being dedicated to training and helping others get started too. Thank you again!!

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